'Girlfriend, your blog is only about food, don't need to take picture la!'; This is how my Boyfriend reacts towards my thought to write about FULL OF BEANS,

to share with you about the stories of coffee beans and to tell people about handcrafted specialty coffee. 'What is Specialty Coffee?', this quiet corner with its cozy ambient is emphasizing the importance of soil and water to produce good grade coffee beans to trade for a cup of satisfaction.

I'm firstly surprised by the 'fine-dining' concept of coffee culture here. Every decoration and furniture inside FULL OF BEANS are just classic and elegant. The menu is simple that it contains only about the listing of coffee with additionally a few types of tea and dessert. If you're a coffee lover, you can try various types of coffee that can range till RM50 per cup.

I'm not a professional in coffee, I've randomly selected the Nicaragua Jinotega Papales Farm that costs RM28 per cup. The coffee is smooth with a slight bitterness aftertaste yet the taste and the aroma are somehow not thick and rich enough to capture my appetite.

However, I'm totally glad about my first time to try out Macaron. This sweet confectionery is using butter cream or jam fillings to sandwich between two cookies and it's served cold here. It tastes mildly moist yet it's not sticky and easily to melt in the mouth.
No doubt that I'm quite happy with the surrounding in FULL OF BEANS that enables me to enjoy a cup of coffee in peace and silence. However, it's totally a disappointment for a gathering if your friend is not a coffee drinker.