How many Mexican restaurant that you can find in Regensburg? What is the difference of Mexican to German or Asian food? Well, my only memory about Mexican is the Chilli Con Carne and Cocktails. In short, flaming spiciness and hard alcoholic?!!

I've first stepped into Margaritas that is located beside Hotel Ibis at Furtmayrstraße. Do take the opportunity to enjoy any cocktails at 1/2 price from 5 to 8pm.

Among the wide selection of drinks, I've zoomed into the Caipirinha that consists of Cachaca, lime and brown sugar. Caipirinha is kind of an easy-drink beverage that is smooth through the throat. I like it for the sourness of the lime but I'll normally prefer if the brown sugar is further reduced.

I guess I'm quite hungry for the day that I've decided to order a starter of Chips with Salsa and then followed by a Chilli Con Carne. The Chips or Nachos are seasoned with some chili powder to give the little spiciness while dipping into the sour tomato-based Salsa sauce. I love the Salsa sauce for its refreshing taste but the Chips are a little bit too hard for my teeth. It'll definitely be tastier if the Chips are slightly thinner and crispier.

Talking about the Chilli Con Carne, it's another disappointment to have tomatoes inside the soup.

No doubt that the Chilli Con Carne in Margaritas has its own flaming spiciness at the first sip but the tomatoes and the additional garnishing of the sour cream have gradually weakened the spiciness.
In overall, I'm quite satisfied with the Mexican food in Margaritas because it's something that is quite rare to be found in Penang. But in comparison, I'll definitely miss the homemade Chilli Con Carne from my Boyfriend.

My second journey into Mexican is to Jalapeños that is located at Schottenstraße, walking distance is a little bit further upwards from Arnulfsplatz.

I've decided to pay the restaurant a visit on Wednesday for their Menu of the Week for Mittwoch that is Spareribs All You Can Eat.

The Spareribs All You Can Eat is served with vegetable salad, BBQ dips and freshly baked white bread from the oven. Honestly to say, I'm quite disappointed with the meal because I've a tough time struggling with the spareribs.

The meat is a little bit too dry and chewy that it somehow hints me that the spareribs have been over-grilled whereby the fat has been completely vaporized. The portion of the spareribs is very big and worthwhile with the price at €6,90 only. However, I've not enjoyed a delicious meal here.
It's still grateful that I've a nice cocktail drink of Caipirol. It's a mixture of Aperol, lime, orange juice and brown sugar. I do enjoy the taste except that it's still a little bit too sweet for me.
Some of my friends have placed good comments about Jalapeños but the time may have been too short for me to explore the menu here.
Margaritas or Jalapeños, both of these restaurants have not really served the food that is suited to my taste but the most important for me is that I've had the chances to try out Mexican food in Regensburg.